
Edwin Sain – permaculture designer

My awareness of, interest in and more intense studies of permaculture date back almost thirty years. My aim has been to integrate this knowledge and enthusiasm with my experience in annual vegetable gardening.

Relevant qualifications and experience

Permaculture Design Certificate (Permaculture Association UK)
Foundation Course – Permacultural Systems (ACS Distance Education, Australia)
Bachelor of Science – Biology (University of Melbourne)
Biology teacher (secondary school) – Diploma of Education (La Trobe University)
Over thirty years of experience in creating and maintaining food and vegetable gardens – in Australia and in Germany
Read more: designer

Related Activity

Images here are only of my activity from 2015 to 2020 as a gardener creating and maintaining my own short-term vegetable gardens. All the situations indicated are temporary and under conditions where I had limited planning control. Images of previous activities in Australia will be added in the future.