osebni permakulturni projekt mezdu Avstralije i balkanske Europe

The Concept

Nature Conservation

Ninety percent of the 13 hectare property is largely intact natural ecosystem. The many large mature trees, dead trees and hollow timber give it very high conservation value. Work to protect and recreate depleted understorey is one of the highest priorities.

Mediterranean Permaculture

Starting with now established olive trees, an orchard of classic Mediterranean fruit trees, hardy subtropical trees and temperate fruit trees is slowly being developed . The climate is also ideal for growing warm-climate annuals such as tomatoes and a range of melons.

Artists’ Retreat, Stargazers’ Paradise

Three artist cabins are planned to be built for visitors. The property’s remoteness from any city, traffic and light pollution make it ideal for a creative break, to breath the cleanest air in a sunny climate, to take in views of a night sky which have become increasingly rare .

Holistic fitness

Cycling paths outside the property lead in every direction and are free of traffic. An outdoor calisthenic and yoga area is planned which will offer a greater range of varied outdoor fitness activities.

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